Monday, October 17, 2011

Constipation + PMS + Too Much Food & Alcohol =

.........A Very Unhappy Jen.

Yup that's right, I'm bloated as all get out. Christ, I feel like I ate 5lbs of beans. 


Turned into Violet.........

 Truthfully, the bloat stems from PMS, lack of poo-ing and too much food & an all inclusive resort. Yes that's right folks, I got married & posted about it HERE.

It was truly an amazing weekend. Our families are from two different worlds....Minnesota & California ;) yet they get along fabulously.  Both of our families are very down to earth, warm & loving people. I grew up here in San Diego with a very small family & DG has a huge family from MN.  I had no idea I'd feel so lucky to have gained a boat load of new relatives.  But I do!

It's funny that now the wedding is over, I feel a hundred times more relaxed.  It's like I have nothing to stress about, nothing to think about....except for that pesky bloat issue of course.

And yes, I'm eating prunes & taking psyllium husk.  Usually that combo works fab, but right now it's taking it's slow ass time, no pun intended.

Anyhoo, just thought I'd update a bit.

Before I go, a friendly reminder that:

Feel Your Bewbs!


Wednesday, August 31, 2011

I Would Pay Him To Speak Swedish To Me.

I kid you not, I would.

*Fans self*

This is like my own personal porn.

Hope you enjoyed. I sure did.


Friday, August 26, 2011


Earlier this week, Wednesday to be exact, I went in to my Doctor for a physical. Now, I'm one of those people that only goes to the Doctor if I have an "issue"...a bad cough that just won't go away, a bout of eczema, an injury.... Don't get me wrong, I see my gynecologist every year, but I haven't gone for an overall physical since around 2004. So needless to say, I figured it was about time. 

I did the standard blood work the week before & was a little's in my nature to be a nervous nelly.  Anyways, it turns out all my levels were fine....EXCEPT my cholesterol!  It was a "bit" high.  The my good fat (HDL) was good, but my bad fat (LDL) was a little higher than she'd like to see. I was sort of floored. Now if any of you know me, I'm not an unhealthy that I eat pretty well & exercise.  I asked the Doc what it could be and she asked me the following questions:

1. Do you eat a lot of red meat? No, maybe once or twice a month.
2. Do you eat a lot of fried food? Definitely not.
3. Do you eat a lot of high fat dairy? Um...I drink non fat milk...
4. you eat lots of cheese? YES!

She laughed and said she used to come home from work and eat almost a block of cheddar cheese & crackers while she watched her Soaps. I laughed too & said that cheese is my biggest vice.  I eat it multiple times a day if I can. 

She said mayo and sour cream are also  huge cholesterol culprits...and I love both. It's not that I wasn't aware that cheese, mayo & sour cream aren't good for you, but I think I just didn't realize exactly how much I was consuming. She said if my good fat had been low, she'd be more worried, but basically just said I should cut down on those products a bit.  SIGH............

After our talk about my blood work, she looked at all my moles [I hate that word with a passion] and freckles and said they all looked fine, phew!  Then it was time to tell me that I needed a whooping cough vaccine. I knew it would come up, seeing as my Sister just had one.  She mentioned since I was 6 yrs out on my tetanus, that she'd include that too. Soooo, I got a TDAP, which is a Tetanus/Whooping Cough/Diphtheria combo. Fabulous. I know tetanus shots tend to hurt, and ES ended up being really sore and running a fever from her TDAP shot....I wasn't thrilled.

If only this bitch knew how bad her arm is going to hurt...

So yes, the shot stung. And yes it was a bit sore all day yesterday. But by the evening, it was killing me. When I went to get in to bed I had a split second memory lapse and went to lay on my left side as per usual...


That hurt like a bitch! Holy sh*t it was bad.  I ended up crying for about 2 minutes. I literally spent the whole evening trying not to roll over into my favorite sleeping position. Even this morning it feels as though someone treated my left should like a punching bad.


Apparently they are making most people get them these day...Good luck!


Tuesday, August 16, 2011 Rocks!

For my bridal shower, I received a $50 Visa Gift Card from a friend to use as I pleased.  I should have put it towards a new bikini for my honeymoon, or even new work shoes...but I wandered on over to because of course, I have been jonesing for some True Blood paraphernalia.

I'd seen this pink Pam-inspired Fangtasia t-shirt that I just had to have.  After reading many of the reviews about it running SUPER SMALL, I decided to order a large. Good thing I did, because even the large is very fitted.  Isn't it cute?!  I don't wear my Twilight tees out in public, not even to Twi-events...but for some reason I felt this shirt was totally acceptable to wear out last night to meet my friend for a drink at a local bar. 

Is that weird?

Love how this angle and the way I'm stretched totally gives me a tiny tummy.

Here's the back of the shirt.
 Fangtasia's ficticious address.

As I was about to purchase the shirt, I decided to go back and look to see if there was anything else somewhat cheap I could add onto my order so as not to have a few dollars left over on my card. You know, I wanted to get the biggest bang for my buck ;)  When I left my virtual shopping basket to go look, a little message popped up in red that said "Cart Abandonment Discount 20% Off!"

SWEET! So I went and added this little baby and had just enough $! 

Fabulous for my morning coffee! has tons of neat items from many of our favorite shows. Check it out!

Can't wait to wear my Fangtasia shirt again!


Friday, August 12, 2011

I Want To Be This Girls Left Boot. Bad.

I stumbled across these lovely pics of Mr. Skarsgard while perusing I'm Not Obsessed.

According to the site, ASkars is in NYC filming a move called "What Maisie Knew."

Can I please please please be this little girls left boot?


Look at his arm...lucky bitch.


Look at those pouty lips!

And I'm done.

No wait!

@misstejota get your ass out there girl! Find him!


Thursday, August 4, 2011

I Totally Just Fan-Girl'd on "Pam."

In case you didn't know...


"Did I miss something? Are we girls now? Did we join a book club and read some queer chick lit memoirs and are bound together by estrogen or sisterhood or some other feminist drivel?" 

Eric Northman isn't the only True Blood character that gets my blood pumping. I freakin' love PAM, played by Kirstin Bauer Van Straten.  Her fashion sense, her voice, her attitude and her one liners won me over the first time I saw her on True Blood.  I even dressed up as her for Halloween last year. Don't doubt that I'll do it again this year...and be ever better. If it means I need to wear an even more kick ass push up bra, fake lashes & a wig...I'm doin' it!

I was a late bloomer to the True Blood fandom, but I'm certainly making up for lost time.  I discovered a website called The Vault, started following Kristin on twitter. From there, I discovered she and her husband share a facebook fan site.. The fan site is very personable & she shares so many amazing pictures of her life, on set and off. She also uses it as a platform to express her love of animals & animal rights.  I think it's fantastic. That said, I totally had to post a comment on her wall.

Yup, I fan girl'd on "Pam."

And she responded! SQUEEEEEE!
I know, some of you are probably thinking it's her assistant or PR person.
It's not..she and her husband run the page. True fact.

I literally had butterflies as I saw my facebook notification. Gah! 

If you're a fan of Kristin, & or her very talented musician husband, LIKE "The Van Stratens on facebook.

I leave you with some of my absolute favorite Pam quotes and pictures.

"Blah blah, Vampire emergency blah."

This scene was classic.

And my favorite quote when Pam is trying to convince Sookie to hook it up with Eric.

"Shame for you then....he pulls good string."


Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Looks Ridiculous On Me, But It Is Adorable.

Wow, I'm still recovering from my bridal shower.  My Sister Sarah certainly threw a fun Champagne filled Sunday lunch.  I believe my Mom said we went through 12 bottles?! And, we could have gone through more. After every one trickled out, a few of my close friends stayed behind and we continued to o' man I was pooped by Sunday evening. I will post some pics over at Twired if you're interested.

For now, here's a pic of the delicious spread...


Needless to say, I was still tuckered out this evening. I have had a lovely house guest staying with me from since Saturday...she left this morning. She was truly one of the easiest house guests. Her & @17foreverlisa win the top award for eazy peazy lemon squeezy. But even then, I feel as though I need to sleep for ages.  I have been fighting a cold all weekend, so that wore me out quite a bit too.

Tonight, my Mom came over to help me sort through all my amazing bridal shower gifts. She really didn't get a chance to see everything during the excitement of it all, so this gave her the chance to take everything in.  She was such a huge help!  Looking through everything, I can truly say the gifts were a perfect mix of weddings stuff, candles, lingerie, VS Gift Cards & wine related goodies.

The loot...and that's not all of it.

Oh & speaking of lingerie (which I have never worn)'s the pic of the most risque' IMO....

WAIT FOR IT..............

So cute, right?!
Looks absolutely ridiculous on me, but it is adorable!

Do you wear lingerie? Does your s/o like it? DG has never really been into it,  he just prefers me naked. But we'll have to see what happens. I'll keep ya posted.

In other news, when my Mom arrived this afternoon she was super eager to show me this new Vogue magazine. She asked if I'd seen it and I said no...wondering why she was so anxious. Trust me I'd know if it was Twilight related. The cast couldn't possibly be in a magazine without my knowledge....Guess I was too quick to think TWILIGHT.  I have to give my Mom some major credit....she opened the magazine and even had the pages marked....Gawd bless her...

Um...haven't seen it, but HELLO ASKARS!

She's so proud that she discovered Mr. Skarsgard in a fashion mag.

Mom, are you trying to kill me with these?

Good job killed your daughter via magazine.

Seriously, my Mom was quite proud that she recognized him, and even much more proud that I hadn't seen or known about these pictures. Props to you Mom!

I just have to love how I incorporated Mr. Skarsgard into my Bridal Shower post. Sweet.

If you're married, or have been married, did you have a bridal shower? What was it like?


Wednesday, July 27, 2011

ASkars, Let's Make Babies.

According to US Weekly...


Guess it wasn't true love!

After nearly two years together, True Blood's Alexander Skarsgard and 21 actress Kate Bosworth have called it quits, Us Weekly has confirmed exclusively.

PHOTOS: Heartbreaking Hollywood splits

"It was very mutual," a source tells the new issue of Us (on newsstands Wednesday). "And it happened a while ago."

While Bosworth, 28, was photographed giving her ex, Orlando Bloom (now married to Miranda Kerr) a friendly hug on July 7, her Straw Dogs costar Skarsgard has been embracing his freedom.

During a July 21 Film District bash at Comic-Con in San Diego, the actor, 34, flirted with a brunette -- and left the party with her. IGNORE IGNORE IGNORE!

"He's single," confirms a source, "and he is loving the attention!"


I'm taking this as a sign. I mean it was bound to happen, right?  We'd make a great couple, we could even role-play as "Eric & Sookie." I'd let him bite me if he wanted,  I'd even wear the Merlotte's outfit sans undies.

You think I'm delusional, right? I'm not the only one that thinks this, several friends have pointed out that we'd make a good couple, one who's never met DG even thought he was my  fiance'. *Snickers*

"He SO wants you to have his babies"  "oh he SO wants you"   "Maybe he REALLY likes you..."

"Absolutely no offense against the fiance, but DAYUM you two would make a gorgeous couple! And have beautiful babies!"

Don't we look happy together?
Look at him trying to be all sexy for the camera.
We'd make some pretty babies too...primarily from his genes, but I'm willing to accept that.
Alexander if you ever see this, EMAIL ME.
The s/o doesn't have to know ;)
Love & Kisses,

Sunday, July 24, 2011

Mission Accomplished!

As most of you know, Comic Con kicked off here in San Diego this past Thursday and ends this evening. Comic Con never peaked my interest much, other than presenting a great people watching opportunity when I used to work in a hotel.  It definitely has my attention now, seeing as Summit has started using it as a platform to promote Twilight.  I was actually reading the books for the first time during Comic Con of 2009. Little did I know that the entire cast was just a few short miles from my home.

Fast forward to this year: I didn't buy tickets to Comic Con primarily because I'd just spent money on an amazing trip to Forks with the Twitards and was trying not to spend friviously with our upcoming wedding....Also, I felt that I'd already had some amazing opportunities with Twilight , that it wasn't the end of the world if I didn't go.......Then True Blood reared it's sexy, dirty & addictive head.  Eric the show consumed me. Then of course I started having serious regrets about not buyint tickets...but of course tickets were no longer available.
Admittedly, Alexander Skarsgard has quickly become my new obsession. It's not that Rob has gone by the way side by any means. Rob will always be "that guy" for's just that I feel different about Alexander. Sure, the characters they portray are both great to fantasize about. But I don't often see Rob as anything other than shy, goofy & ridiculously beautiful. He's an enigma to me.... untouchable.... and I love that he's appears so happy with Kirsten.  Much like Rob, I only came to find Alex attractive after seeing him play the role of Eric.  It allowed me to see a much sexier side of him. Typically blondes don't do it for me....but boy does this man do unexplainable things to me....and YES, quite a bit of that stems from the fact that he's all kinds of ridiculous sexyness on the show.  Most of the sexual appeal comes from the fact that he's intimidating, intelligent and yet somehow someway, vulnerable.

Originally, ASkars wasn't announced for the 2011 True Blood panel, but about a week or so before, his name started popping up. I felt helpless.  I had to see him! Was it too good to be true? I'd already seen the cast of Twilight (more importantly, ROB) 3 times...was I pushing my luck to try and see ASkars?! Thursday night as I lied in bed, this picture surfaced on the internet:

 ASkars & Ryan Kwanton attended the Summit party atop the Hard Rock Hotel.

The Eagle had landed...Alexander Skarsgard was in San Diego partying it up & I had to attempt sleep?  He was a mere 12 minutes from my house...I felt like crying. Ok, I did. A little bit. That's when I texted my equally ASkars obsessed friend "C." I proclaimed that after work we should plant our asses in the HR Hotel lobby in hopes of seeing him after the TB panel. I'd been hanging out in front HR earlier in the day on my break and watched Ryan Kwanten walk the odds seemed pretty descent. Part of me wanted to believe I'd make it happen, and the other part of me had serious doubts.

Long story even longer, that evening we walked into the HR looking like we belonged...We couldn't decide if we should hang in the lobby, NOBU (we later found out Jessica Biel was in there!) or outside.  We finally came to a decision when we saw a few people get up from the cushy lounge seats in the middle of the lobby.  I quickly realized we weren't the only ones who had this idea ;) All in all though, there were probably 15 of us.

Kate Beckinsale walked by, Jason Momoa, Channing Tatum...but no ASKars. About an hour past and then there was a bit of commotion outside & as I spotted THIS, my whole life flashed before my eyes...

Picture courtesy of my friend C.  She had a camera, I had a blackberry.
You can see Ryan Kwanten to the lower right of ASkars..the TALL GUY ;)

I'm not entirely sure what happened next, all I know is he walked through at a somewhat steady pace. A small crowed surrounded him and his manager/bodyguards (?) not quite sure what or who they were.  Most wanted autographs....and I think most were paparazzi.  He stopped to pose with the first girl that got to him and then maybe another

He was laughing at another lady, NOT the chick near him. thing I knew I just said "Alex, would you please take a picture with me, I'm a HUGE fan!" I don't remember what he said back...I think he smiled?! I then swooped in &  put my left arm around his waist and waited (WITH MY LEFT ARM AROUND HIS WAIST!) while simultaneously chucking my crackberry at C. Thankfully she used her camera instead.



After taking a picture of C & ASkars...

Love that she wore her Merlotte's shirt!

I kept clicking away on her least I think it was me. LOL!

I absofrickinlutely LOVE C's face in this one. She's in a ASkars/RKwan sandwich.
The paparazzi was making him was pretty funny.

Boyish charm.

I took this one on my crackberry, hence the quality.

After taking these pictures I turned around to see Ryan hanging back. He's soooo shy!  We asked if he'd mind taking a picture with us and he obliged. C had a mini-convo w/ him, but for the life of me I can't remember EXACTLY what it was about. Something to do with his real accent and the show. Gah!

He was so shy & seem surprised we wanted to take a pic with him.

After the madness died down (all of 3-5 minutes) I just kept repeating OMG, OMG, OMG.  I truthfully felt as if I might vomit. The adrenalin rush was so intense the chunks rose in my throat at a rapid pace. I literally had to do some serious deep breathing.

I really can't believe it all panned out the way I could only fantasize.  I'm still in awe. Oh, and for any of you wondering what he was like....I give you three words:




Ok, that was 5, but I'm sure you're not judging me.

Now for some FUN :)

Couldn't resist.  Gah! So hot.

P.S.  For those of you interested, I will be giving you "my take" on Breaking Dawn & Comic Con over at Twired. For now, stay tuned :)


***ALL of these pictures (aside from the one atop the Hard Rock, credit to JUST JARED) belong to my friend & me. If you want to use them, please just ask. Thank you.

Thursday, July 7, 2011

Pads & Tampons...YUM!

So like many cats (and dog's too) my Jake has an appetite for sanitary pads, tampons, string, rubberbands, spaghetti straps, carpet etc etc etc...

This past Friday I got home from work early & felt like doing a bit of cleaning. I was in a fabulous mood and super excited about the 4th of July holiday weekend. Odd, I know (the cleaning, not my excitement.) I wanted our condo to feel tidy for the rest of the weekend, since I'd planned to be in and out. Nothing irks me more than a messy home...especially my own.  Anyhoo, it was that time of the month, and I kept the bathroom door closed so Jake couldn't go hunting through my trash for what he considers to be his own personal pot of gold.

The end of the ranbow for Jake :)
Even better if they're used.

Once I'd taken out the trash, I felt it was safe to leave the bathroom door open.  However I'd forgotten I'd left an entire open container of new Kotex pads.  Next thing I knew there was a clean pad, sans wrapper, on my living room floor. Jake looked guilty.

Kind of like this...

But truthfully I didn't put too much thought into it considering he's pooped out his fair share of questionable items.  It wasn't until Saturday afternoon when he start vomiting that I became worried.  Jake is the kind of cat that rarely vomits.  I can confidently say maybe 7 times in almost 8 years. Prior to this disaster, the last time he puked was about 6 mos ago after he ate part of my beloved house plant "Norman." But I can confidently say that my cat has a stomach of steel.  Not this time...

He continued to vomit and avoid food like the plague into Saturday evening...I texted my Sis to let her know what was going on, as she's a vet tech at the clinic I adopted him from. Side note: She enticed me to adopt his orphan-butt from the clinic back in 2003...Some ass face pet store handed him over claiming he was sick.
Sar said if he wasn't better by morning to let her know. Come Sunday morning he was still vomiting and lethargic.  Of course as I mentioned, this was over the 4th of July weekend and most clinics aren't open on Sunday anyway.  We had to make a trip up to a fancy top notch ER about 20 minutes North.  I was already stressed about him feeling so bad, but to add insult to injury, Jake isn't the kind of cat you can just "take" to the vet. He's very aggressive, and becomes dangerous outside of his comfort zone. You can read more about that in a previous post titled, "No, Your Cat Isn't Crazy."

Long story even longer, 2 rounds of heavy sedatives did nothing to allow for the ER vet to even get close to opening his carrier door.  They had to anesthetize him in order to get x-rays of his abdomen....which of course costs a pretty penny.  When I first saw the "pre-estimate" of planned services, I about choked. My eyes zero'd in on $1600! Thank gawd my Sis was able to say "We can wait on this, I can get this at the clinic, this isn't really necessary right now.." That coupled with the fact that we said we lived together, got an additional discount (because her clinic refers business to this ER.)  When all was said and done the bill was $500. HUGE difference.  I thank gawd she was there with me, because it all sounded and read like Chinese. I feel for pet owners that don't have someone in the industry to help them decipher terms and what's necessary and what not. Even with the immense reduction in price, I still have no clue how I'll pay it.  It will take a while as my finances have been focused on wedding stuff. 

Most important, the Vet did not see any 'major' blockages in his stomach or intestines.  They sent us home with a very cranky, groggy and sick feeling Jake. The discharge instructions were keep him on a very bland diet for 2-3 days, prilosec & anti naseaus meds...if he didn't show improvement in the next 48 hours, I was to follow up with them or our personal vet. Luckily Sarah  (my Sis) was able to give him subcutaneous fluids as well as anti naseau meds.  He growled, but she donned gloves and went for it. A true feat in and of itself.  But it helped that he was in his own home.

Sarah is giving the thumbs up....1st round of fluids.

Jake was still lethargic and loopy into Sunday evening, but survived ;) the night.  By Monday morning he still wasn't eating, but hadn't vomited since Saturday.  By the afternoon, we gave him another round of fluids and he actually ate a bit of bland Science Diet ID prescription wet food.  I almost had tears streaming down my cheeks at the site.  Instead of calling him a piglet I was encouraging each lick of food.

When I got home from 4th of July fireworks at my parents he didn't seem well...still crouched tightly in the bottom half of his carrier.  BUT, by Tuesday morning he was a NEW MAN!  He wanted food, he was purring, he jumped up on the windowsill, it was all music to my ears. It was as if he snapped back to normal overnight.

I think the entire weekend took a lot out of the both of us.  Admittedly, I was a complete emotional wreck.  I think he sensed that because he's be overly affectionate the last 2 days.  I love my little shit more than words can express. He came into my life when I needed him most, and has been there for me for almost 8 years.

Speaking of shit, he's pooped twice poop had what looked like a tampon string in it. Not sure if he ate both a tampon and a pad wrapper, or just one.  Needless to say, I have never been so happy to see cat poop in my life.

"Thousands of years ago, cats were worshipped as gods. Cats have never forgotten this." - Anonymous


Friday, July 1, 2011

Like Sunshine, In A Pretty Blonde Bottle..

I can't believe I'm about to say this, but I can't remember if this was from epi 1 or epi 2 of season 4.  My neighbor and I watched both on Sunday night.  They showed epi 2 on, which kicked ass.  I think Eric turns my brain to mush, among other forgive my lapse in memory.

Just wanted to share this scene.  The verbal exchange between Sookie & Eric is dynamic...simply FABULOUS!

GO HERE, for some reason the link HBO provides seems to be missing something in the HTML code.

Sunday, June 26, 2011

Thank you Jeezus.

This is a quick one. The True Blood S4 premiere was kick ass!  I was a bit reticent from the sneak previews I'd seen.  I wasn't sure if it would be all fairy bullshit & no Eric hotness. Boy did HBO deliver for the first epi. I totally get that they have to go back and sort of bring you up to speed, as well as introduce all of the new things...but I was super satisfied.  I even got to watch epi 2 on my friends lap top...minus the last 8 minutes because the feed froze. Boo!

Anyhoo, 2 hours of TB back to back after almost a year of with drawl! Thank you jeezus & thank you HBO!


Wednesday, June 8, 2011

I'm So Excited!

Happy Hump Day everyone!  So typically I post my wedding "stuff" over here, but since this particular post from earlier had Twilight in it, I decided to post it on Twired. It's an invitation vote, so head over there & give me your two-cents!

Moving on... I just started watching "Why Not" with Shania Twain on OWN.  I used to be a huge fan & was super excited to find out where she'd been & what was in store for her future. Shania's  life practically fell apart when she found out her husband and best girlfriend were having an affair with each other.  Oddly enough, she is now with her ex-best girlfriends ex's almost as if they found solace in each other after they'd both been cheated on...and ended up falling in love. Basically, the show chronicles her journey of recovery. All of that sorrow put her into some sort of depression that she says, "stole her voice." Of course not literally, but she truly felt like she couldn't' belt out the same notes anymore & refused to perform until she "got her voice back" so to speak. . During the documentary, she meets with people along that way that each offer some sort of insight & or's fascinating. I especially loved the episode where she goes to Caesar's Palace in Vegas to check out the Colosseum. The higher-ups at Caesar's were trying to convince her to consid singing there for a period of time...much like Celine Dion did for a couple of years.  At that point, she wasn't quite ready, but loved the venue & idea of it all.

It's only been several week since that episode aired & I have been desperately hoping she'd agree eventually. AND GUESS WHAT?!  She did! 

Here's the vid from her press conference in Tennessee (where the CMT awards are taking place this evening)

BLOGGER IS BEING AN A**HOLE and wont let me embed the vid, so here you go.

"Still The One" begins December 1st, 2012! Tickets go on sale June 19th!  There is an AMEX pre-sale, details about that in the vid.

I'm just sooooooo EXCITED!  Speaking of being excited.....I feel like this:

Once again, BLOGGER IS STILL BEING AN A**HOLE, here's the LINK. Watch it, trust me. I guarantee you have felt this way at one point or another in your life.

Back to are some pics of her getting her star on the Walk of Fame in Hollywood :)

With her new man <3

Just had to share my excitement.

Thank goodness VEGAS is only a 5-6 hour car ride of 1 hr flight. Woot Woot!


Tuesday, June 7, 2011

"Moments Of Timeless Pleasure"

You know how sometimes it's just the simple things in life, that if given it to, make your day? Ok, maybe not your day, more along the lines of about 10 minutes...

This my friends, made 10 minutes of my afternoon very very enjoyable:

A single scoop of Rocky Road Ice Cream.

I fought back and forth with myself as to whether or not I should walk across the street to get this.  I only do it once a month or so, and considering all I ate today were some small Thai Spring rolls from Lean Cusine, I went for it. And boy was it worth it....I was in chocolate ice cream heaven for a good 8 minutes or so.  I savored every last bit as if it were some delicious forbidden fruit.

I find it odd that I adore *good* ice cream so much. I never loved ice cream like other kids. In fact, I could never understand why kids my age went so bonkers for it....It wasn't until I was in my late 20's that I really started to crave it.

Ultimately I can't beat myself up. I guess if I gave into my cravings all the time, I'd be in trouble...I just give into the overwhelming ones. Gluttony is not my least not very often ;)

Here's some pictures of other treats (of the edible variety) that I absolutely LOVE...but don't eat all the time...or I'd probably be very overweight & have a sticky heart.

Actually, even more than that. I LUST BACON. 

My love for Cheese is borderline dangerous. All in moderation.
Oh & I lied, I do eat cheese, all the damn time.

French Fries & Ranch Dressing...DELISH!

Taco Bell Crunch Wrap = Heaven in a Tortilla.

Chicken Tenders + Ranch Dressing = LOVE

I sense a salty theme going........

Chocolate Souflee' is fabulous.

 I think that's all. The only thing I eat regularly is cheese. Have I told you I love cheese? ;)

What's your favorite guilty pleasaure of the food kind?

Thanks for stopping by, I'm off to WORK OUT!