Wednesday, August 31, 2011

I Would Pay Him To Speak Swedish To Me.

I kid you not, I would.

*Fans self*

This is like my own personal porn.

Hope you enjoyed. I sure did.



  1. OMFG he is so hot. So unbelievably hot. I would do bad bad things for that man. I would like to contribute to the fund to hire Alexander Skarsgard to speak Swedish to us. Can you set up a pay pal button for that or something?

  2. LMAO! OMG too funny. We should start a facebook page or a blog solely for the purpose of getting Alex to speak Swedish to us. I don't care what he says, I just want to hear it.

    Need some more? Go here: Skip to about .46 seconds

  3. Jen, I may have to "borrow" this video and make a new one with some schmexy music set to it. Alex is so handsome, there is definitely a confidant vibe to him that translates into something unique. I agree with you, he is the one actor that I "fangirl" over. Won't you be sad when True Blood is over? Only two more episodes. :(

  4. I will be super sad, but excited that they'll probably start filming S5 in December...they say they film a season for 7 mos out of the year. I might need to go set stalking this time around...I neeeeed to see him again!

    Btw, I haven't seen last weeks epi. I have a date with my neighbor tomorrow (I think) to watch it...she has no problem re-watching it :)

  5. Can we ask him to say really really dirty things in Swedish? Obvi I would have no idea and he could be really saying "i'm pleased to meet you" but just the idea of it. mmmmmm.

  6. Wow the accent! Was not expecting that. He took beautiful pics. I watched this 3 times and all 3 times I pretended to be the chick in the white t-shirt touching his hair.

  7. Make it 4 times. Did you see how he looks at the chick? I mean she just stroked his hair lightly.
