Tuesday, August 16, 2011

HBO.com Rocks!

For my bridal shower, I received a $50 Visa Gift Card from a friend to use as I pleased.  I should have put it towards a new bikini for my honeymoon, or even new work shoes...but I wandered on over to HBO.com because of course, I have been jonesing for some True Blood paraphernalia.

I'd seen this pink Pam-inspired Fangtasia t-shirt that I just had to have.  After reading many of the reviews about it running SUPER SMALL, I decided to order a large. Good thing I did, because even the large is very fitted.  Isn't it cute?!  I don't wear my Twilight tees out in public, not even to Twi-events...but for some reason I felt this shirt was totally acceptable to wear out last night to meet my friend for a drink at a local bar. 

Is that weird?

Love how this angle and the way I'm stretched totally gives me a tiny tummy.

Here's the back of the shirt.
 Fangtasia's ficticious address.

As I was about to purchase the shirt, I decided to go back and look to see if there was anything else somewhat cheap I could add onto my order so as not to have a few dollars left over on my card. You know, I wanted to get the biggest bang for my buck ;)  When I left my virtual shopping basket to go look, a little message popped up in red that said "Cart Abandonment Discount 20% Off!"

SWEET! So I went and added this little baby and had just enough $! 

Fabulous for my morning coffee!

HBO.com has tons of neat items from many of our favorite shows. Check it out!

Can't wait to wear my Fangtasia shirt again!


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