Thursday, August 4, 2011

I Totally Just Fan-Girl'd on "Pam."

In case you didn't know...


"Did I miss something? Are we girls now? Did we join a book club and read some queer chick lit memoirs and are bound together by estrogen or sisterhood or some other feminist drivel?" 

Eric Northman isn't the only True Blood character that gets my blood pumping. I freakin' love PAM, played by Kirstin Bauer Van Straten.  Her fashion sense, her voice, her attitude and her one liners won me over the first time I saw her on True Blood.  I even dressed up as her for Halloween last year. Don't doubt that I'll do it again this year...and be ever better. If it means I need to wear an even more kick ass push up bra, fake lashes & a wig...I'm doin' it!

I was a late bloomer to the True Blood fandom, but I'm certainly making up for lost time.  I discovered a website called The Vault, started following Kristin on twitter. From there, I discovered she and her husband share a facebook fan site.. The fan site is very personable & she shares so many amazing pictures of her life, on set and off. She also uses it as a platform to express her love of animals & animal rights.  I think it's fantastic. That said, I totally had to post a comment on her wall.

Yup, I fan girl'd on "Pam."

And she responded! SQUEEEEEE!
I know, some of you are probably thinking it's her assistant or PR person.
It's not..she and her husband run the page. True fact.

I literally had butterflies as I saw my facebook notification. Gah! 

If you're a fan of Kristin, & or her very talented musician husband, LIKE "The Van Stratens on facebook.

I leave you with some of my absolute favorite Pam quotes and pictures.

"Blah blah, Vampire emergency blah."

This scene was classic.

And my favorite quote when Pam is trying to convince Sookie to hook it up with Eric.

"Shame for you then....he pulls good string."


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